

Born in Kearny, New Jersey, Tim has been an artist his whole life. Everyone is an artist when they are a kid, but Tim’s parents fostered his education in the arts. As early as 10 years old he was in private lessons after school in painting.

Through high school and college Tim concentrated mostly on B&W film photography, but also ventured explorations of drawing, etching, and watercolor. As a student at Hamilton College, he had full access to the darkroom 24 hours, and attention from excellent professors. Tim took a semester abroad and studied at the prestigious Slade School of Fine Art at University College of London, in the UK. Exposure to the world of fine art inspired him to push his efforts further.

After college Tim opened his own business as an artist, selling his work and photographing client’s work for their archives. He also was a personal assistant for several years to Pulitzer Prize nominated artist, Matuschka, in NYC. While in New York he took classes over the years at The National Academy of Design in Figure Drawing.

In his 20’s, Tim had some bouts of depression and rough times. His art during these stages was darker, more abstract, and compressed in expressiveness. However, thankfully, Tim found a more positive way of life, and recreated himself to be the artist, and person, he is today. His main hope is to inspire Joy, Love, and Beauty, in the eyes of his audience. Birds are his major theme at the moment. In them he has found Freedom, Flow, and Simplicity. His future will be one of continual growth in the arts. He claims to have set a goal to be drawing until he no longer can.